@@ @@ DarrienSpace Installer, Version 1 @@ This is part 5. There is at least one other section after this one. @@ Please do the previous sections in order before executing this one. @@ No editing of this file should be necessary for PennMUSH @@ @@ I haven't tested this on Tiny, though. @@ @@ It also shouldn't be necessary to pre-create objects @@ @@ @set me=Quiet @@ Okay, now we need the Static Information store. This includes the Help Messages @@ and most of the references to where other DB items are. This also includes some @@ Help text that is handy for +help areas. NOTE: That particular help isn't completed @@ yet. I'll remove this NOTE when that's done. @@ &DATA_SPACE2_HELP Master Static Info=As is already evident, the command structure in this space system is a little bit different. It is designed to not only make the actual code easier to work on and maintain, but also to provide a tree-like structure to the commands themselves.%r%rAll but two of the commands can be broken down the same way:%r%r/ %r%rThe Broad Categories include Manuevers, Scanners, Navigation, Communication, Jump, Combat, and Miscellaneous, which are aliased MAN, SCAN, NAV, COM, JUMP, CBT, and MISC, respectively. The 'Command' and 'Option' portion of the command line will depend greatly on what your trying to do.%r%rExample: Suppose you wish to dock your ship with a space station, using your normal docking tube and the space station's Delta tube. Docking is classified as a manuever, so your command would look like this: MAN/DOCK WITH /DELTA.%r%r[center(Features listed in +HELP SPACE3,76)] &HELP_MISC_STATUS Master Static Info=[ljust(MISC/STATUS,30,.)]%bDisplays a full readout of the ship and its%r[space(31)]weaponry. &HELP_CBT_SHIELDS Master Static Info=[ljust(CBT/SHIELDS,30,.)]%bRaises or lowers the ship's shields. &HELP_CBT_STATUS Master Static Info=[ljust(CBT/STATUS,30,.)]%bGives a status report of the ship, and a%r[space(31)]brief synopsis of the status of the other%r[space(31)]ships in the current battle grouping. &DATA_DEFENSEMANUEVERS Master Static Info=NONE FLEE ROLL TURN DIVE CLIMB ROLL+TURN ROLL+DIVE ROLL+CLIMB &HELP_CBT_DEFEND Master Static Info=[ljust(CBT/DEFEND ,30,.)]%bExecutes the specified manuever in responce%r[space(31)]to a combat attack. The possible manuevers%r[space(31)]are: None, Flee, Roll, Turn, Dive, Climb,%r[space(31)]Roll+Turn, Roll+Dive, and Roll+Climb. &HELP_CBT_FIRE Master Static Info=CBT/FIRE at%r[ljust([space(5)],30,.)]%bFires specified weapon at . You%r[space(31)]must be in a Combat Group with .%r[space(31)]To see your list of weapons, use CBT/STATUS %r[space(31)]or MISC/STATUS &HELP_CBT_HELP2 Master Static Info=[ljust(CBT/HELP2,30,.)]%bHelp file 2. &HELP_CBT_DISPLAY Master Static Info=[ljust(CBT/DISPLAY,30,.)]%bIf in combat%, this command shows the ships that%r[space(31)]are in your grouping%, if they are withing%r[space(31)]Normal scanner range. If outside of combat%, it%r[space(31)]shows all combat groups within Normal scanner%r[space(31)]range. &HELP_CBT_INVITE Master Static Info=[ljust(CBT/INVITE ,30,.)]%bInvites into an already%r[space(31)]established Battle Grouping. &HELP_CBT_ACCEPT Master Static Info=[ljust(CBT/ACCEPT,30,.)]%bAccepts an invitation into a Battle Group. It%r[space(31)]is the counterpart to CBT/INIT and CBT/INVITE. &HELP_CBT_INIT Master Static Info=[ljust(CBT/INIT WITH ,30,.)]%bThe first command in Space Combat. This%r[space(31)]command requests a new Battle Grouping with%r[space(31)]. Once a Battle Grouping is%r[space(31)]established, attacking and defending can take%r[space(31)]place in space combat. &HELP_COM_RADIO Master Static Info=COM/RADIO =...%bSends a tight beam transmission to%r[space(31)]specified object. Ships can transmit and%r[space(31)]receive while landed and transmit long range%r[space(31)]to other systems. &HELP_COM_TIGHTBEAM Master Static Info=COM/RADIO =....%bSends a tight beam transmission to specified object. &HELP_MAN_UNDOCK Master Static Info=%rMAN/UNDOCK....................%bUndocks the ship.%rMAN/UNDOCK .............%bUndocks the specified tube. &HELP_MAN_DOCK Master Static Info=MAN/DOCK WITH .........%bDocks the ship with specified object.%rMAN/DOCK WITH /..%bDocks with tube on specified object.%rMAN/DOCK WITH%r%b%b WITH .........%bDocks the ship using specified tube.%rMAN/DOCK WITH%r%b%b/ WITH ..%bDocks with tube on specified object using%r[space(31)]specified tube.%r%tNOTE%b Some tubes being docked with may have a code. To use the%r%tcode, just place it after the tube's name.%r%tExample%b MAN/DOCK WITH / &HELP_NAV_AUTO Master Static Info=%rNAV/AUTO TO X,Y,Z%r[ljust(NAV/AUTO TO ,30,.)]%bSets the autopilot to the coordinates or the%r[space(31)]coordinates of the specified Transponder.%r%r[ljust(NAV/AUTO ON,30,.)]%bEngages the Autopilot.%r[ljust(NAV/AUTO OFF,30,.)]%bDisengages the Autopilot. &HELP_NAV_HELP Master Static Info=[ljust(NAV/HELP,30,.)]%bThis Help File. &HELP_NAV_MOVETO Master Static Info=%rNAV/MOVETO X,Y,Z%r[ljust(NAV/MOVETO ,30,.)]%bMoves the ship to the designated%r[space(31)]coordinates or the coordinates of the%r[space(31)]specified Transponder. &HELP_NAV_LOCATION Master Static Info=[ljust(NAV/LOCATION,30,.)]%bDisplays the ship's current location. &HELP_SCAN_FOCUS Master Static Info=[ljust(SCAN/FOCUS ,30,.)]%bPerforms a focused scan of the specified%r[space(31)]space object. This gives all the same%r[space(31)]information as a Normal or Passive scan%, plus%r[space(31)]more detailed information concerning Docking%r[space(31)]and Hangars. &HELP_SCAN_PASSIVE Master Static Info=[ljust(SCAN/PASSIVE ,30,.)]%bSame as a normal scan%, with the exception%r[space(31)]that this type of scan is not detectable. &HELP_SCAN_NORM Master Static Info=[ljust(SCAN/NORM ,30,.)]%bPerforms a normal scan of the specified space%r[space(31)]object. The object scanned will be able to%r[space(31)]detect this sort of scan. &HELP_SCAN_HELP Master Static Info=[ljust(SCAN/HELP,30,.)]%bThis Help file.%r[ljust(SCAN,30,.)]%bPerforms a basic scan. This command will work%r[space(31)]while landed, giving information about the%r[space(31)]area where the ship is located. &HELP_JUMP_HELP Master Static Info=[ljust(JUMP/HELP,30,.)]%bThis Help file.%r[ljust(JUMP #,30,.)]%bEnters the ship into hyperspace, using the%r[space(31)]specified jump number. &HELP_COM_HELP Master Static Info=[ljust(COM/HELP,30,.)]%bThis Help file. &HELP_CBT_HELP Master Static Info=[ljust(CBT/HELP,30,.)]%bHelp file 1. &HELP_MAN_HELP Master Static Info=[ljust(MAN/HELP,30,.)]%bThis Help file. &HELP_MAN_TAKEOFF Master Static Info=[ljust(MAN/TAKEOFF,30,.)]%bMoves the ship into space, if not already%r[space(31)]there. &HELP_MAN_LAND Master Static Info=MAN/LAND ON%r%b%b[ljust(/ ,28,.)]%bLands the ship on the specified object.%r[ljust(MAN/LAND ON ,30,.)]%bLands the ship in the PUBLIC hangar on the%r[space(31)]specified object.%r &DATA_SYSTEMDB Master Static Info=#3862 &DATA_SHIPDB Master Static Info=#8297 &HELP_JUMP_CALC Master Static Info=JUMP/CALC TO X,Y,Z%r[ljust(JUMP/CALC TO ,30,.)]%bCreates a route from your current system to%r[space(31)]the system specified by the coordinates, or%r[space(31)]by the name of the system. &HELP_JUMP_DEL Master Static Info=[ljust(JUMP/DEL #,30,.)]%bDeletes the specified jump. &HELP_JUMP_INFO Master Static Info=[ljust(JUMP/INFO,30,.)]%bDisplays detailed information about all the%r[space(31)]jumps stored in the Navigational Computer. &HELP_JUMP_UNJUMP Master Static Info=[ljust(JUMP/UNJUMP,30,.)]%bTakes the ship out of hyperspace. @DESCRIBE Master Static Info=This is an object for storing information for the Master Nav-comp. &SPACE Master Static Info=#14 &HYPERSPACE Master Static Info=#135 &HELP_COM_CHAN Master Static Info=[ljust(COM/CHAN SET =,30,.)]%bSets the specified Channel to the specified%r[space(31)]Frequency.%r[ljust(COM/CHAN LIST,30,.)]%bList all the Channels and the frequencies%r[space(31)]that have been assigned to them.%r[ljust(COM/CHAN =,30,.)]%bSends a message to all ships in the area or%r[space(31)]system that are listening the frequency%r[space(31)]assigned to the specified channel. &DATA_MAN2_HELP Master Static Info=Examples for the MAN/LAND Command%b%rMAN/LAND ON SS-1234/D-BAY THUNDER%r%b%b...would land on you the space station SS-1234's D-Bay hangar, using the code of THUNDER.%rMAN/LAND ON CS-5678/GUEST%r%b%b...would land you on the Capital Ship CS-5678's Guest hangar, without using a code%rMAN/LAND ON P-9012%b%b...would land you on planet 9012's PUBLIC hangar, without using a code.%r[repeat(-,74)]%r%rMAN/DOCK WITH / WITH %rOkay, this looks really long and frightening, but almost everything specified there is optional. Any time Tube is not specified, it is assumed to be NORMAL.%r%rMore details on this command and others in +HELP MAN3. &DATA_MAN_HELP Master Static Info=MAN is short for Manuever. The MAN commands are all the commands that involve ship manuevering, such as landing and docking. While in the cockpit or control room of any space vessel, you can type [ansi(hc,MAN/HELP)] for an abbreviated version of the following information%b%r[repeat(-,74)]%r%rMAN/TAKEOFF%rMoves the ship out of a hangar or off a landing pad, and into real space.%r[repeat(-,74)]%r%rMAN/LAND ON / %rLands the ship on the designated hangar or landing pad. Note%b If you do not specify which hangar you want to land on, it assumes you want the PUBLIC Hangar.%r%rExamples and more commands listed in +HELP MAN2 &DATA_SPACE_HELP Master Static Info=DarrienSpace, V. 2.0%rDarrienSpace was designed and intended to replace the current space system existing on SW1. If you'd like a copy of the system, send email to Brian@Buhl.com.%r%rHelp is available for the following items.%r%t[ljust(+HELP MAN,15,.)]%bHelp for the Manuever commands.%r[space(30)]See also [ansi(hc,Man/Help)] from the cockpit.%r%t[ljust(+HELP SCAN,15,.)]%bHelp for the Scanning commands.%r[space(30)]See also [ansi(hc,Scan/Help)] from the cockpit.%r%t[ljust(+HELP NAV,15,.)]%bHelp for the Navigational commands.%r[space(30)]See also [ansi(hc,Nav/Help)] from the cockpit.%r%t[ljust(+HELP COM,15,.)]%bHelp for the Communication commands.%r[space(30)]See also [ansi(hc,Com/Help)] from the cockpit.%r%t[ljust(+HELP JUMP,15,.)]%bHelp for the Jump commands.%r[space(30)]See also [ansi(hc,Jump/Help)] from the cockpit.%r%t[ljust(+HELP CBT,15,.)]%bHelp for the Space Combat commands.%r[space(30)]See also [ansi(hc,CBT/Help)] from the cockpit.%r%t[ljust(+HELP MISC,15,.)]%bHelp for the all other commands.%r[space(30)]See also [ansi(hc,Misc/Help)] from the cockpit.%r%rOverview contained in +HELP SPACE2. &HELP_CBT_LEAVE Master Static Info=[ljust(CBT/LEAVE,30,.)]%bLeaves the current Battle Group established. &HELP_CBT_ATTACK Master Static Info=[ljust(CBT/ATTACK,30,.)]%bIt does some stuff. It's not done yet. &DATA_JUMP3_HELP Master Static Info=Examples for the JUMP/DEL and /UNJUMP Commands%b%rJUMP/DEL 1%r%b%b...deletes jump 1 from the Navigational Computer.%rJUMP/UNJUMP%r%b%b...takes the ship out of hyperspace. The ship will not drop out on its own. Upon reaching its destination it will wait for the pilot to take it into normal space. &DATA_JUMP2_HELP Master Static Info=Examples for the JUMP/CALC Command%b%rJUMP/CALC TO 0,0,0%r%b%b...calculates a jump from your current location to system 0,0,0.%rJUMP/CALC TO Tatooine%r%b%b...calculates a jump from your current location to the system named Tatooine.%r[repeat(-,74)]%r%rJUMP/INFO%b%b...Displays detailed information about all the jumps stored in the NavComp.%rJUMP/DEL <#>%b%b...Deletes the specified jump.%rJUMP/UNJUMP%b%b...Takes the ship out of hyperspace.%r%rMore details on these commands in +HELP JUMP3. &DATA_JUMP_HELP Master Static Info=The JUMP commands are all the commands that involve hyperspace travel including calculating and making jumps. While in the cockpit or control room of any space vessel, you can type [ansi(hc,JUMP/HELP)] for an abbreviated version of the following information%b%r[repeat(-,74)]%r%rJUMP <#>%rEnters the ship into hyperspace using the specified jump number.%r[repeat(-,74)]%r%rJUMP/CALC TO ,,%b%b...Calculates a route from your current system to the system specified by the coordinates.%RJUMP/CALC TO %b%b...The same as the command above except , the name of the system, replaces the cordinates.%r%rExamples and more commands listed in +HELP JUMP2. &DATA_COM2_HELP Master Static Info=Examples for the COM/CHAN command%b%rCOM/CHAN SET 1=5000%r%b%b...sets chan 1 to monitor and send over frequency 5000.%rCOM/CHAN 1=Hello out there?%r%b%b...sends "Hello out there" to all the ships in the area or system that are listening to the frequency chan 1 is set to..%r[repeat(-,74)]%r%rCOM/RADIO =%b%b...Sends a tight beam transmission to . Ships can transmit and recieve while landed and transmit long range to other systems.%r%rExamples of the COM/RADIO command%b%rCOM/RADIO SS-1234=Requesting permission to land.%r%b%b...sends a tight beam transmission to the station. &DATA_COM_HELP Master Static Info=The COM commands are all the commands that involve ship communications. While in the cockpit or control room of any space vessel, you can type [ansi(hc,COM/HELP)] for an abbreviated version of the following information%b%r[repeat(-,74)]%r%rCOM/CHAN LIST%rLists all the COM Channels and the frequencies they are assigned to.%r[repeat(-,74)]%r%rCOM/CHAN SET =%b%b...This sets channel to frequency .%rCOM/CHAN =%b%b...This sends over COM channel .%r%rExamples and more commands listed in +HELP COM2. &DATA_NAV3_HELP Master Static Info=Examples for the NAV/AUTO command%b%rNAV/AUTO TO 0,0,0%r%b%b...sets the autopilot for cordinates 0,0,0.%rNAV/AUTO TO SS-1234%r%b%b...sets the autopilot for the cordinates of the station.%rNAV/AUTO ON%r%b%b...Activates the autopilot%rNAV/AUTO oFF%r%b%b...Disengages the autopilot. &DATA_NAV2_HELP Master Static Info=Examples for the NAV/MOVETO command%b%rNAV/MOVETO 0,0,0%r%b%b...moves the ship to cordinates 0,0,0.%rNAV/MOVETO SS-1234%r%b%b...moves the ship to the cordinates of the station.%r[repeat(-,74)]%r%rNAV/AUTO TO ,,%b%b...Sets the autopilot to cordinates ,,.%rNAV/AUTO TO %b%b...Sets the autopilot to the cordinates of .%rNAV/AUTO ON%b%b...Activates the autopilot.%rNAV/AUTO OFF%b%b...Disengages the autopilot.%r%rMore details on thiss command and others in +HELP NAV3. &DATA_NAV_HELP Master Static Info=The NAV commands are all the commands that involve a ships insystem movement. While in the cockpit or control room of any space vessel, you can type [ansi(hc,NAV/HELP)] for an abbreviated version of the following information%b%r[repeat(-,74)]%r%rNAV/LOCATION%rDisplays the ship's current location.%r[repeat(-,74)]%r%rNAV/MOVETO ,,%b%b...This moves the ship to cordinates ,,.%rNAV/MOVETO %b%b...This moves the ship to the cordinates of .%r%rExamples and more commands listed in +HELP NAV2. &DATA_SCAN2_HELP Master Static Info=Examples for the SCAN/ Command%b%rSCAN/NORMAL SS-1234%r%b%b...performs a normal scan on the station.%rSCAN/PASSIVE SS-1234%r%b%b...performs a passive scan on the station.%rSCAN/FOCUS SS-1234%r%b%b...performs a focused scan on the station.%r &DATA_SCAN_HELP Master Static Info=The SCAN commands are all the commands that involve ship sensors. While in the cockpit or control room of any space vessel, you can type [ansi(hc,SCAN/HELP)] for an abbreviated version of the following information%b%r[repeat(-,74)]%r%rSCAN%rDisplays a list of transponders for the current system.%r[repeat(-,74)]%r%rSCAN/NORM %b%b...Performs a normal scan on .%rSCAN/PASSIVE %b%b...Performs a passive scan on . This is the same as a normal scan except it isn't detectable.%rSCAN/FOCUS %b%b...Performs a focused scan on giving detailed information about the object being scanned including Docking and Hanger information.%r%rExamples and more commands listed in +HELP SCAN2. &DATA_MAN4_HELP Master Static Info=Examples for the MAN/UNDOCK Command%b%rMAN/UNDOCK%r%b%b...would undock the ships docking tube NORMAL.%rMAN/UNDOCK TUBE1%r%b%b...would undock the ships TUBE1. &DATA_MAN3_HELP Master Static Info=Examples for the MAN/DOCK Command%b%rMAN/DOCK WITH SS-1234%r%b%b...would dock using tube NORMAL to the space stations tube NORMAL.%rMAN/DOCK WITH SS-1234/TUBE1%r%b%b...would dock using tube NORMAL to the stations TUBE1.%rMAN/DOCK WITH SS-1234/TUBE1 WITH TUBE2%r%b%b...would dock using TUBE2 to the stations TUBE1.%rMAN/DOCK WITH SS-1234/TUBE1 public-code%r%b%b...would dock with the stations TUBE1 using code 'public-code'. To use a code in any docking procedure, include it after specifying which tube on to dock with.%r--------------------------------------------------------------------------%r%rMAN/UNDOCK %b%b...This undocks the specified tube. If tube is not entered then it defaults to NORMAL.%r%rMore details on this command and others in +HELP MAN4. &HELP_HEADER Master Static Info=[ljust(==< %0 Commands Help Index >,76,=)]%r &HELP_MISC_HELP Master Static Info=[ljust(MISC/HELP,30,.)]%bThis Help file. &HELP_MISC_PILOT Master Static Info=[ljust(MISC/PILOT ,30,.)]%bLets you take the main controls of the ship. &HELP_MISC_POSE Master Static Info=[ljust(MISC/POSE ,30,.)]%bDisplays a ship pose for all ships or people in%r[space(31)]the same system or area as the ship. This%r[space(31)]command will work while landed. &HELP_MISC_EMIT Master Static Info=[ljust(MISC/EMIT ,30,.)]%bMuch like MISC/POSE, except the pose is not%r[space(31)]prefaced with the Transponder. In space, the%r[space(31)]pose is prefaced with . Landed, the pose%r[space(31)]is prefaced with . &HELP_MISC_QUIET Master Static Info=[ljust(MISC/QUIET,30,.)]%bTurns some of the "spam" off, such as%r[space(31)]Autopilot noise. This command toggles the%r[space(31)]Quiet status. &HELP_MISC_CODE Master Static Info=MISC/CODE %r[ljust([space(5)]TO ,30,.)]%bChanges the entry and pilot codes of the ship. &HELP_JUMP_ETA Master Static Info=[ljust(JUMP/ETA,30,.)]%bTells you when you can disengage hyperdrive. &DATA_SPACE3_HELP Master Static Info=Interesting Features...%r%r[space(5)]- Multiple docking tubes are now possible on a single Space Object, and%r[space(7)]the docking tubes can have security codes.%r[space(5)]- Long range communication is possible. You can contact ships in other%r[space(7)]systems if the other system is within range, and you have the other%r[space(7)]ship's transponder.%r[space(5)]- Channel communication works while landed, sending your broadcast to all%r[space(7)]the other ships landed in your area.%r[space(5)]- Scanning while landed will display the contents of the room the ship is%r[space(7)]landed in.%r[space(5)]- Ship poses while landed are broadcast to the room. It's possible to%r[space(7)]actually pose your fantastic or blunderous landing.%r[space(5)]- Ship to ship communication works even when you or the ship you're%r[space(7)]communicating with is landed.%r%r[center(...And many other features%, not listed here,76)] &HELP_JUMP_DEST Master Static Info=[ljust(JUMP/DEST ,30,.)]%bDisplays all the publicly known jumps that%r[space(31)]are equal to or less than the specified%r[space(31)]distance away. @@ End of part 5. @set me=!Quiet @wait 5=@pemit me=Fifth part completed. You may begin the next part. (Only do them in sequence.)